Cosmetic Dentistry
Gum Treatment
What is Gum treatment?
Over time build up of plaque and tartar can collect on your teeth. If this is not effectively cleaned by good brushing habits and regular dental scaling then it can have an affect on your gums. During gum treatment we remove all tartar and plaque build up and measure your gums to monitor the healing process.
The bacteria can have a serious affect on your gum and bone health and this is why it is important to keep your gums healthy. You could potentially lose bone over time and your teeth may become wobbly. Gum treatment is a way of maintaining good gum health and prolonging the life of your teeth.
45 minutes
+ What are the Benefits?
- Maintains good oral health
- Prolongs life of teeth
- Even though there is no cure for gum disease, gum treatment will maintain the health of your gums which in turn means it effectively disables gum disease
+ What are the disadvantages?
- Can sometimes be sore after treatment for around a week
- Ongoing treatment that will require you revisitng the dentist every 3 months
+ What is the Process?
After an in depth consulation with our Dentist we will invite you back to start the treatment. We will start by numbing the area and deep cleaning beneath and above all of the gum margins. We usually do this in two halves so it will require two appointments.
Using special hand instruments we will remove all tartar and plaque build up and input the measurements of your gums into the computer which will help us identify healing at a later review appointment.