Cosmetic Dentistry 



What is a Bridge?

A bridge is a prosthetic tooth that replaces a gap in the teeth by using the adjacent teeth as an anchor.

A bridge will offer a functional replacement for where a tooth would have been. If we lose teeth and there is a healthy tooth either side of the gap we can sometimes use these teeth as anchors for a bridge providing function and appeasing an aesthetic look.

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45 minutes

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+ What are the Benefits?

  1. A simple solution to replacing a gap in the mouth
  2. Provides function for eating
  3. Can be more cost effective than other replacement options like an implant

+ What are the disadvantages?

  1. There is a chance that they could debond if adhesive fails
  2. As some of the tooth structure is being adjusted and removed, it is an irreversible procedure that could have an impact on a somewhat sound tooth

+ What is the Process?

During the first visit for getting a dental bridge, the abutment teeth are prepared. Preparation involves recontouring these teeth by removing a portion of enamel to allow room for a crown to be placed over them. Next, impressions of the teeth are made, which serve as a model from which the bridge, pontic, and crowns will be made by a dental lab. Your dentist will make a temporary bridge to wear to protect the exposed teeth and gums while the bridge is being made.

During the second visit, your temporary bridge will be removed and the new porcelain or metal bridge will be checked and adjusted, as necessary, to achieve a proper fit. The bridge is then cemented into place. A review appointment may be necessary to check you are happy with your new smile.

Before & After

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Symptom Checker

You have one or more of the below symptoms a bridge may be a suitable treatment:

✔ Gapped teeth

✔ Missing teeth


Bridges are made and processed in a specialised lab by a master ceramist per tooth.

Pricing starts at £600 per tooth.


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