Composite Bonding

Before (above) & After (below)

Before (above) & After (below)


What is Composite Bonding?

Composite bonding is a minimal invasive treatment that can correct small imperfections, chips, general wear & tear and improve your smile.

Composite is the material used and bonding is the word used for how we attach the material to your tooth. There are many options to correct any imperfections in your smile including veneers and crowns but composite bonding does this with the dentist working chair side and hand sculpting to create the exact smile you are looking for. There are a wide variety of shades to make sure the colour is matched perfectly.


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+ What are the Benefits?

  1. Minimal preparation of the tooth making it less invasive with no need for any needles
  2. A completely reversable treatment with no damage to natural tooth structure
  3. Results are accomplished on the same day

+ What are the disadvantages?

  1. Over time the tooth coloured material can become discoloured but this can be corrected simply
  2. Not considered as strong as veneers or crowns

+ What is the Process?

A consultation will be carried out to enmsure you are a suitable candidate for the treatment. We will then invite you back for the treatment at the clinic.

The expert dentist will shape the tooth as necessary, apply the bonding agent, fill the space with resin and then perfectly sculpt the resin into the tooth shape desired by you.

A special curing light is then used to make sure the material is completely set. After ons final polish the dentist will make sure you are completely satisfied.

We like to ask you to come back after a couple of weeks for as quick review to make sure you are completely happy.


Symptom Checker

You have one or more of the below symptoms composite bonding may be a suitable treatment:

✔ Gapped teeth

✔ Crooked teeth

✔ Chipped teeth

✔ Sticking out teeth


Composite bonding is performed and sculptured by our GDA registered dentist chairside.

Pricing starts at £200 per tooth (for edging).


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